An outstretched hand - to give or receive.
I actually wrote this post two years ago, and only now realized I never posted it...
Some Saturdays ago we attended worship and the gospel reading was Mark 1:29-39. This is the story of Jesus healing Simon’s mother-in-law of a fever, then healing all of the sick townspeople, and then moving on; it was early in his ministry. Pastor Chad’s sermon was (and I do PC a disservice here by oversimplifying), in part, about reaching out to others and healing them. Or raising them up. However you want to interpret it. In the evening Dennis and I attended Iris Dement’s Denver concert at the Soiled Dove Underground. It was, by the way, fabulous. But I bring this up because she sang a song from her Lifeline album, “He Reached Down.” What, twice in one day? This is the kind of personal message from my divine that I cannot ignore.
So, in combination with that weekend’s focus on reaching out to and investing in others, I must consider to whom I am reaching out and what, if any, impact I am having. I confess I feel deflated in this regard. In the various puzzles of my every-day life, the pieces seem to be scattered outside the border, waiting to find their locked-in place. I thought I was reaching out and investing, but still life feels scattered. How do I start putting the pieces in their place?
I don’t have an answer yet. To find this answer I try to be mindful through transition. I am truly blessed that others are investing in me, and while this may not always solve every problem, it does bring some degree of hope. Clarity should follow.
My wish for you is that all is well in your life.
To whom are YOU reaching out?